Three international professional organising experts are coming to Capital Hill, South Canberra! Join us at the Organising Australia Conference!
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you kept and spent money on than the things you threw away. So throw that stuff out, stop accumulating things that you have to work too hard to pay for, have to climb over, move around or clean. Live your life! Experience your relationships! - Karen Koedding, Certified Professional Organizer
"I believe that being organised is not about being perfect, it's about creating the framework to live your life as you please.
Living, really living, is not about being in relationship with your stuff, it's about being in relationship with living, breathing people" - Sarah Cottman, Expert Organiser
"Face your stuff and decide what your goal is!
Do you want to create a safe, happy, stress free environment for you and your loved ones to live in and enjoy? Do you need to create a more efficient home office? Do you need to organize closets or bedrooms to create a smoother day to day life for the whole family?" - Dorothy Breininger